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an.10.103 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“From wrongness comes failure, not success. And how is it, monks, that from wrongness comes failure, not success?

“In a person of wrong view, wrong resolve comes into being. In a person of wrong resolve, wrong speech. In a person of wrong speech, wrong action. In a person of wrong action, wrong livelihood. In a person of wrong livelihood, wrong effort. In a person of wrong effort, wrong mindfulness. In a person of wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration. In a person of wrong concentration, wrong knowledge. In a person of wrong knowledge, wrong release.

“This is how from wrongness comes failure, not success.

“From rightness comes success, not failure. And how is it, monks, that from rightness comes success, not failure?

“In a person of right view, right resolve comes into being. In a person of right resolve, right speech. In a person of right speech, right action. In a person of right action, right livelihood. In a person of right livelihood, right effort. In a person of right effort, right mindfulness. In a person of right mindfulness, right concentration. In a person of right concentration, right knowledge. In a person of right knowledge, right release.

“This is how from rightness comes success, not failure.”

- Translator: Thanissaro Bhikkhu

- Editor: Gabriel Laera