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an.10.120 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Ceremony of Descent (2nd)

“Mendicants, I will teach you the noble descent.
Listen and pay close attention, I will speak. …
And what is the noble descent?
It’s when a noble disciple reflects:
‘Wrong view has a bad result
in both this life and the next.’
Reflecting like this, they give up wrong view,
they descend from wrong view.
‘Wrong thought has a bad result …’ …
‘Wrong speech …’ …
‘Wrong action …’ …
‘Wrong livelihood …’ …
‘Wrong effort …’ …
‘Wrong mindfulness …’ …
‘Wrong immersion …’ …
‘Wrong knowledge …’ …
‘Wrong freedom has a bad result
in both this life and the next.’
Reflecting like this, they give up wrong freedom,
they descend from wrong freedom.
This is called the noble descent.”