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an.2.15 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

“Mendicants, in a disciplinary issue, if neither the offending mendicant nor the accusing mendicant carefully checks themselves, you can expect that issue
will lead to lasting acrimony and enmity, and the mendicants won’t live comfortably.
But in a disciplinary issue, if both the offending mendicant and the accusing mendicant carefully check themselves, you can expect that issue
won’t lead to lasting acrimony and enmity, and the mendicants will live comfortably.
And how, mendicants, does an offending mendicant carefully check themselves?
An offending mendicant reflects:
‘I have committed a certain unskillful offense with the body.
That mendicant saw me do this.
If I hadn’t committed that offense, they wouldn’t have seen me.
But since I did commit that offense, they did see me.
When they saw me, they were upset,
and they voiced their unhappiness to me.
Then I also got upset,
so I told others.
So the mistake is mine alone, like someone who owes customs duty on their goods.’
That’s how, mendicants, an offending mendicant carefully checks themselves.
And how, mendicants, does an accusing mendicant carefully check themselves?
An accusing mendicant reflects:
‘This mendicant has committed a certain unskillful offense with the body.
I saw them do that.
If they hadn’t committed that offense, I wouldn’t have seen them.
But since they did commit that offense, I did see them.
When I saw them, I was upset,
and I voiced my unhappiness to them.
Then they also got upset,
so they told others.
So the mistake is mine alone, like someone who owes customs duty on their goods.’
That’s how, mendicants, an accusing mendicant carefully checks themselves.
In a disciplinary issue, if neither the offending mendicant nor the accusing mendicant carefully checks themselves, you can expect that issue will lead to lasting acrimony and enmity, and the mendicants won’t live comfortably.
But in a disciplinary issue, if both the offending mendicant and the accusing mendicant carefully checks themselves, you can expect that issue won’t lead to lasting acrimony and enmity, and the mendicants will live comfortably.”