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an.3.24 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, these three persons are helpful to another person. What three?

(1) “The person through whom another has gone for refuge to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṅgha. This person is helpful to the other person.

(2) “Again, the person through whom another comes to understand as it really is: ‘This is suffering,’ and ‘This is the origin of suffering,’ and ‘This is the cessation of suffering,’ and ‘This is the way leading to the cessation of suffering.’ This person is helpful to the other person.

(3) “Again, the person through whom, with the destruction of the taints, another realizes for himself with direct knowledge, in this very life, the taintless liberation of mind, liberation by wisdom, and having entered upon it, dwells in it. This person is helpful to the other person.

“These three persons are helpful to another person.

“I say, bhikkhus, that there is no one more helpful to another person than these three persons. I say, too, that it is not easy to repay these three persons by paying homage to them, by rising up for them, by reverential salutation, by proper conduct, and by presenting them with robes, almsfood, lodging, and medicines and provisions for the sick.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh