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an.4.2 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


At Sāvatthī. “Bhikkhus, one who does not possess four things is said to have fallen from this Dhamma and discipline. What four? (1) One who does not possess noble virtuous behavior is said to have fallen from this Dhamma and discipline. (2) One who does not possess noble concentration … (3) One who does not possess noble wisdom … (4) One who does not possess noble liberation is said to have fallen from this Dhamma and discipline. One who does not possess these four things is said to have fallen from this Dhamma and discipline.

“But, bhikkhus, one who possesses four things is said to be secure in this Dhamma and discipline. What four? (1) One who possesses noble virtuous behavior is said to be secure in this Dhamma and discipline. (2) One who possesses noble concentration … (3) One who possesses noble wisdom … (4) One who possesses noble liberation is said to be secure in this Dhamma and discipline. One who possesses these four things is said to be secure in this Dhamma and discipline.”

Collapsed and fallen, they fall away;
the greedy ones come back again.
Done is the task, the delightful is delighted in;
happiness is reached by happiness.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh