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an.4.27 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, there are these four trifles, easily gained and blameless. What four?

(1) “A rag-robe is a trifle among robes, easily gained and blameless. (2) A lump of almsfood is a trifle among meals, easily gained and blameless. (3) The foot of a tree is a trifle among lodgings, easily gained and blameless. (4) Putrid urine is a trifle among medicines, easily gained and blameless.

“These are the four trifles, easily gained and blameless. When a bhikkhu is satisfied with what is trifling and easily gained, I say that he has one of the factors of the ascetic life.”

When one is content with what is blameless,
trifling and easily gained;
when one’s mind is not distressed
because of a lodging,
robe, drink, and food,
one is not hindered anywhere.

These qualities, rightly said
to conform to the ascetic life,
are acquired by a bhikkhu
who is content and heedful.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh