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an.5.231 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

A Resident Mendicant

“Mendicants, a resident mendicant with five qualities is not admirable.
What five?
They’re not accomplished in being well-presented and doing their duties.
They’re not very learned and don’t remember what they’ve learned.
They’re not self-effacing and don’t enjoy self-effacement.
They’re not a good speaker and don’t speak well.
They’re witless, dull, and stupid.
A resident mendicant with these five qualities is not admirable.
A resident mendicant with these five qualities is admirable.
What five?
They’re accomplished in being well-presented and doing their duties.
They’re very learned and remember what they’ve learned.
They’re self-effacing and enjoy self-effacement.
They’re a good speaker and speak well.
They’re wise, bright, and clever.
A resident mendicant with these five qualities is admirable.”