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an.5.273-285 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

A Lodgings Assigner

“Mendicants, a person with five qualities should not be appointed as lodgings assigner … they don’t know if a lodging has been assigned or not … A person with five qualities should be appointed as lodgings assigner … they know if a lodging has been assigned or not …
A person should not be appointed as lodgings allocator … they don’t know if a lodging has been allocated or not … A person should be appointed as lodgings allocator … they know if a lodging has been allocated or not …
A person should not be appointed as storeperson … they don’t know if stores are protected or not … A person should be appointed as storeperson … they know if stores are protected or not …
… robe receiver …
… robe distributor …
… porridge distributor …
… fruit distributor …
… cake distributor …
… dispenser of minor accessories …
… allocator of bathing cloths …
… bowl allocator …
… supervisor of monastery staff …
… supervisor of novices …

What five?
They don’t make decisions prejudiced by favoritism, hostility, stupidity, and cowardice. And they know if a novice has been supervised or not.
A supervisor of novices with these five qualities is raised up to heaven.”