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an.5.4 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

As if Brought There

“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhu is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? Here, a bhikkhu is devoid of faith, morally shameless, morally reckless, lazy, and unwise. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu is deposited in hell as if brought there.

“Bhikkhus, possessing five other qualities, a bhikkhu is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What five? Here, a bhikkhu is endowed with faith, has a sense of moral shame, has moral dread, and is energetic and wise. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu is deposited in heaven as if brought there.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh