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an.6.88 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

Wanting to Listen

“Mendicants, someone with six qualities is unable to enter the sure path with regards to skillful qualities even when listening to the true teaching.
What six?
When the teaching and practice proclaimed by the Realized One is being taught they don’t want to listen. They don’t lend an ear or apply their mind to understand them. They learn the incorrect meaning and reject the correct meaning. They accept views that contradict the teaching.
Someone with these six qualities is unable to enter the sure path with regards to skillful qualities, even when listening to the true teaching.
Someone with six qualities is able to enter the sure path with regards to skillful qualities when listening to the true teaching.
What six?
When the teaching and practice proclaimed by the Realized One is being taught they want to listen. They lend an ear and apply their mind to understand them. They learn the correct meaning and reject the incorrect meaning. They accept views that agree with the teaching.
Someone with these six qualities is able to enter the sure path with regards to skillful qualities when listening to the true teaching.”