buddha daily wisdom image

iti.101 Itivuttaka

Easily Obtained

This was said by the Lord…

“These four, bhikkhus, are trifling things, easily obtained and blameless. What four? A robe made of cast-off rags is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. Food gathered on alms round is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. The root of a tree as a dwelling place is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. Medicine consisting of putrid cow urine is a trifling thing, easily obtained and blameless. These, bhikkhus, are the four trifling things, easily obtained and blameless. When a bhikkhu is content with these things that are trifling and easily obtained, I say of him that he has the requisites for recluseship.”

One content with what is blameless,
Things trifling and easily obtained,
Does not become vexed in mind
When not obtaining a place to live,
A robe to wear, and food and drink;
He has no resentment in any quarter.

These are the things declared to be
Suitable for a recluse’s life
By possession of which a bhikkhu
May abide content and diligent.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato