buddha daily wisdom image

iti.110 Itivuttaka

While Walking

This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, if while walking a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu, and if he tolerates it and does not reject it, does not dispel it and get rid of it and bring it to an end, that bhikkhu—who in such a manner is lacking in ardour and unafraid of wrongdoing—is called constantly lazy and indolent. If while standing … If while sitting … If while lying down a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu, and if he tolerates it and does not reject it … that bhikkhu is called constantly lazy and indolent.

“But if while walking … standing … sitting … lying down a sensual thought or a thought of ill will or an aggressive thought arises in a bhikkhu and he does not tolerate it, but rejects it, dispels it, gets rid of it, and brings it to an end, that bhikkhu—who in such a manner is ardent and afraid of wrongdoing—is called constantly energetic and resolute.”

Whether walking or standing,
Sitting or lying down
Whoever thinks such thoughts
That are evil and worldly—
He is following a wrong path,
Infatuated with delusive things.
Such a bhikkhu cannot reach
Enlightenment which is supreme.

Whether walking or standing,
Sitting or lying down,
Whoever overcomes these thoughts,
Delighting in the quelling of thoughts—
Such a bhikkhu is able to reach
Enlightenment which is supreme.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato