buddha daily wisdom image

iti.15 Itivuttaka


This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, I do not perceive any single fetter other than the fetter of craving by which beings are so tied and for so long a time run on and wander in saṁsāra. It is indeed through the fetter of craving that beings are tied and for a long time run on and wander in saṁsāra.”

A man companioned by craving
Wanders on this long journey;
He cannot go beyond saṁsāra
In this state of being or another.

Having understood the danger thus—
That craving is the origin of suffering—
A bhikkhu should wander mindfully,
Free from craving, without grasping.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato