buddha daily wisdom image

iti.47 Itivuttaka

Wake Up

This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Meditate wakeful, mendicants, mindful and aware, joyful and clear, and at times discern the skillful qualities in that state.
A mendicant who meditates in this way can expect one of two results:
enlightenment in the present life, or if there’s something left over, non-return.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
“Listen up, wakeful ones!
And those asleep, wake up!
Wakefulness is better than sleep,
the wakeful have nothing to fear.
Those who are wakeful, mindful and aware,
immersed in samādhi, joyful and clear,
rightly investigating the Dhamma in good time,
unified, would banish the darkness.
That’s why you should apply yourself to wakefulness.
A keen and alert mendicant, possessing absorption,
having cut the fetter of birth and old age,
would touch the highest awakening right here.”
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.