buddha daily wisdom image

iti.68 Itivuttaka

Attachment (1)

This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, one in whom attachment is not abandoned, hate is not abandoned, and delusion is not abandoned, is said to be in the bondage of Māra; he is caught in Māra’s noose and at the mercy of the Evil One.

“Bhikkhus, one in whom attachment is abandoned, hate is abandoned, and delusion is abandoned, is said to be free from the bondage of Māra; he has cast off Māra’s noose and is not at the mercy of the Evil One.”

One who has destroyed attachment
Along with hate and ignorance
Is called one inwardly developed,
A Tathāgata become supreme,
Awakened, past enmity and fear,
One who has abandoned all.

- Translator: John D. Ireland

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato