buddha daily wisdom image

iti.76 Itivuttaka

Wishing for Happiness

the good help you to a good place.”
This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Mendicants, an astute person who wishes for three kinds of happiness should take care of their ethics.
What three?
“May I be be praised!” “May I become rich!” “When my body breaks up, after death, may I be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm!”
An astute person who wishes for these three kinds of happiness should protect their precepts.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
Wishing for three kinds of happiness—
praise, prosperity,
and to delight in heaven after passing away—
the wise would take care of their ethics.
Though you do no wrong,
if you associate with one who does,
you’re suspected of wrong,
and your disrepute grows.
Whatever kind of friend you make,
with whom you associate,
that’s how you become,
for so it is when you share your life.
The one who associates and the one associated with,
the one contacted and the one who contacts another,
are like an arrow smeared with poison
that contaminates the quiver.
A wise one, fearing contamination,
would never have wicked friends.
A man who wraps
putrid fish in blades of grass
makes the grass stink—
so it is when associating with fools.
But one who wraps
sandalwood incense in leaves
makes the leaves fragrant—
so it is when associating with the wise.
So, knowing they’ll end up
like the wrapping, the astute
would shun the wicked,
and befriend the good.
The wicked lead you to hell,
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.