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iti.88 Itivuttaka

Inner Stains

This was said by the Buddha, the Perfected One: that is what I heard.
“Mendicants, there are these three inner stains, inner foes, inner enemies, inner killers, and inner adversaries.
What three?
and delusion.
These three are inner stains, inner foes, inner enemies, inner killers, and inner adversaries.”
The Buddha spoke this matter.
On this it is said:
“Greed creates harm;
greed upsets the mind.
That person doesn’t recognize
the danger that arises within.
A greedy person doesn’t know the good.
A greedy person doesn’t see the truth.
When a person is beset by greed,
only blind darkness is left.
Those who have given up greed,
don’t get greedy even when provoked.
Greed falls off them
like a drop from a lotus-leaf.
Hate creates harm;
hate upsets the mind.
That person doesn’t recognize
the danger that arises within.
A hateful person doesn’t know the good.
A hateful person doesn’t see the truth.
When a person is beset by hate,
only blind darkness is left.
Those who have given up hate,
don’t get angry even when provoked.
Hate falls off them
like a palm-leaf from its stem.
Delusion creates harm;
delusion upsets the mind.
That person doesn’t recognize
the danger that arises within.
A deluded person doesn’t know the good.
A deluded person doesn’t see the truth.
When a person is beset by delusion,
only blind darkness is left.
Those who have given up delusion,
don’t get deluded even when provoked.
They banish all delusion,
as the rising sun the dark.”
This too is a matter that was spoken by the Blessed One: that is what I heard.