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mil.3.7.9 Milindapanha

TravellingChapter 7

The king said: ‘Is there any one, Nāgasena, who can go with this bodily frame to Uttara-kuru or to the Brahma world, or to any other of the four great continents (into which the world is divided)?’

‘Yes, there are such people.’

‘But how can they?’

‘Do you recollect, O king, having ever jumped a foot or two feet across the ground?’

‘Yes, Nāgasena, I can jump twelve feet.’

‘But how?’

‘I fix my mind on the idea of alighting there, and at the moment of my determination my body comes to seem light to me.’

‘Just so, O king, can the Bhikkhu, who has the power of Iddhi, and has the mastery over his mind, when he has made his mind rise up to the occasion, travel through the sky by means of his mind.’

‘Very good, Nāgasena!’

- Translator: T.W. Rhys Davids

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato