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ne.2 Niddesa

Indicative Subsection

2. Herein, what are the sixteen Modes of Conveying?

[They are sixteen modes of the Ninefold Thread as conveying:]

  1. a Teaching,
  2. an Investigation,
  3. a Construing,
  4. Footings,
  5. Characteristics,
  6. a Fourfold Array,
  7. a Conversion,
  8. an Analysis,
  9. a Reversal,
  10. Synonyms,
  11. Descriptions,
  12. Ways of Entry,
  13. a Clearing Up,
  14. Terms of Expression,
  15. Requisites,
  16. a Co-ordination.

Here follows a paraphrasing-verse:

As Teaching, Investigation, Construing,
As Footings, and Characteristics,
Fourfold Array, and then Conversion,
Analysis, Reversal too,
As Synonyms, and as Descriptions,
As Ways of Entry, Clearing Up,
Terms of Expression, Requisites,
And for sixteenth Co-ordination.
These Modes are the Sixteen Conveyings
[And] as to the significance [of each]
A separate statement [follows]
With detailed method-analysis for each one.

3. Herein, what are the five Guide-Lines? [They are:]

  1. the Conversion of Relishing,
  2. the Trefoil,
  3. the Lions’ Play;
  4. the Plotting of Directions,
  5. the Hook.

Here follows a paraphrasing-verse:

Conversion of Relishing comes first,
In second place the Trefoil follows,
The Lions’ Play is the name they give
To the Third Guide-Line formula;
The fourth Guide-Line most rare they call
The Plotting of Directions, then
The Hook is what the fifth is termed:
That is how all five Guide-Lines go.

4. Herein, what are the eighteen Root-Terms? They are the nine profitable Root-Terms and nine unprofitable Root-Terms.

Herein, what are the nine unprofitable Root-Terms? [They are:]

  1. Craving,
  2. Ignorance;
  3. Greed,
  4. Hate,
  5. Delusion;
  6. Perception of Beauty,
  7. Perception of Pleasure,
  8. Perception of Permanence,
  9. Perception of Self.

These are the nine unprofitable Root-Terms, wherein all that belongs to the unprofitable side is comprised and collated.

Herein, what are the nine profitable Root-Terms? [They are:]

  1. Quiet,
  2. Insight;
  3. Non-greed,
  4. Non-hate,
  5. Non-delusion;
  6. Perception of Ugliness,
  7. Perception of Pain,
  8. Perception of Impermanence,
  9. Perception of Not-self.

These are the nine profitable Root-Terms, wherein all that belongs to the profitable side is comprised and collated.

Here is a mnemonic for it:

The nine terms Craving and Ignorance
And Greed, Hate and Delusion too
And with Perversions four besides
Do constitute defilement’s plane.
The nine terms Quiet and then Insight
With the three Profitable Roots
And Mindfulness-Foundations four
Do constitute the faculties’ plane.
With nine terms on the side of profit
And nine terms on unprofit’s side
Construed, these Root-Terms [thus] do come
[In all] to number eighteen terms.

The Indicative Subsection.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich