buddha daily wisdom image

ps.1.10 Patisambhidamagga

Treatise on a “Fine Extract to be Drunk”

1. “Bhikkhus, this Good Life is a fine extract to be drunk when the master is present”.

2. The fine extract when the master is present is of three kinds: fine extract as teaching, fine extract as recipient, fine extract as the Good Life.

3. What is fine extract as teaching?

It is the announcing, the teaching, the declaring, the establishing, the revealing, the expounding, the explaining, of the four noble actualities; the announcing, the teaching, the declaring, the establishing, the revealing, the expounding, the explaining, of the four foundations of mindfulness; … of the four right endeavours; … of the four bases for success; … of the five faculties; … of the five powers; … of the seven enlightenment factors; … of the noble eightfold path. This is fine extract as teaching.

4. What is fine extract as recipient?

It is the bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, men lay followers, women lay followers, deities, human beings, and also any others, who are cognisant [of actuality]. This is fine extract as recipient.

5. What is fine extract as the Good Life?

It is this noble eightfold path, that is to say: right view, right thought, right speaking, right acting, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. This is fine extract as the Good Life.

6. Resolution as a fine extract is the faith faculty, non-faith is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of non-faith he drinks the faith faculty's fine extract of resolution, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Exertion as a fine extract is the energy faculty, idleness is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of idleness he drinks the energy faculty's fine extract of exertion, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness faculty, negligence is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of negligence he drinks the mindfulness faculty's fine extract of establishment, thus it is a fine extract. Non-distraction as a fine extract is the concentration faculty, agitation is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of agitation he drinks the concentration faculty's fine extract of non-distraction, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Seeing as a fine extract is the understanding faculty, ignorance is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of ignorance he drinks the understanding faculty's fine extract of seeing, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk.

Unshakability by non-faith as a fine extract is the faith power, non-faith is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of non-faith he drinks the faith power's fine extract of unshakability by non-faith, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Unshakability by idleness as a fine extract is the energy power, idleness is dregs; … Unshakability by negligence as a fine extract is the mindfulness power, negligence is dregs; … Unshakability by agitation as a fine extract is the concentration power, agitation is dregs; … Unshakability by ignorance as a fine extract is the understanding power, ignorance is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of ignorance he drinks the understanding power's fine extract of unshakability by ignorance, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk.

Establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness enlightenment factor, negligence is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of negligence he drinks the mindfulness enlightenment factor's fine extract of establishment, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Investigating as a fine extract is the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor, ignorance is dregs; … Exertion as a fine extract is the energy enlightenment factor, idleness is dregs; … Intentness upon as a fine extract is the happiness enlightenment factor, fever is dregs; … Peace as a fine extract is the tranquillity enlightenment factor, depravity is dregs; … Non-distraction as a fine extract is the concentration enlightenment factor, agitation is dregs; … Reflexion as a fine extract is the equanimity enlightenment factor, non-reflexion is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of non-reflexion he drinks the equanimity enlightenment factor's fine extract of reflexion, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk.

Seeing as a fine extract is right view, wrong view is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of wrong view he drinks right view's fine extract of seeing, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk. Directing onto as a fine extract is right thought, wrong thought is dregs; … Embracing as a fine extract is right speaking, wrong speaking is dregs; … Originating as a fine extract is right acting, wrong acting is dregs; … Cleansing as a fine extract is right living, wrong living is dregs; … Exertion as a fine extract is right effort, wrong effort is dregs; … Establishment as a fine extract is right mindfulness, wrong mindfulness is dregs; … Non-distraction as a fine extract is right concentration, wrong concentration is dregs; after throwing away the dregs of wrong concentration he drinks right concentration's fine extract of non-distraction, thus it is a fine extract to be drunk.

7. There is fine extract, there is what is to be drunk, there are dregs.

Resolution as a fine extract is the faith faculty, non-faith is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk. Exertion as a fine extract is the energy faculty, idleness is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk. Establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness faculty, negligence is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk. Non-distraction as a fine extract is the concentration faculty, agitation is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk. Seeing as a fine extract is the understanding faculty, ignorance is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk.

Unshakability by non-faith as a fine extract is the faith power, non-faith is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk. Unshakability by idleness is the energy power, idleness is dregs, … Unshakability by negligence is the mindfulness power, negligence is dregs, … Unshakability by agitation is the concentration power, agitation is dregs, … Unshakability by ignorance is the understanding power, ignorance is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk.

Establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness enlightenment factor, negligence is dregs, … [and so on with the rest of the seven enlightenment factors and their opposites up to] … Reflexion as a fine extract is the equanimity enlightenment factor, non-reflexion is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk.

Seeing as a fine extract is right view, wrong view is dregs, … [and so on with the rest of the eight path factors up to] … Non-distraction as a fine extract is right concentration, wrong concentration is dregs, any essence (taste) of meaning, essence of idea, essence of deliverance, therein is what is to be drunk.

8. Seeing as a fine extract is right view, directing onto as a fine extract is right thought, embracing as a fine extract is right speaking, originating as a fine extract is right acting, cleansing as a fine extract is right living, exertion as a fine extract is right effort, establishment as a fine extract is right mindfulness, non-distraction as a fine extract is right concentration.

Establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness enlightenment factor, investigating as a fine extract is the investigation-of-ideas enlightenment factor, intentness upon as a fine extract is the happiness enlightenment factor, peace as a fine extract is the tranquillity enlightenment factor, non-distraction as a fine extract is the concentration enlightenment factor, reflexion as a fine extract is the equanimity enlightenment factor.

Unshakability by non-faith as a fine extract is the faith power, unshakability by idleness as a fine extract is the energy power, unshakability by negligence as a fine extract is the mindfulness power, unshakability by agitation as a fine extract is the concentration power, unshakability by ignorance as a fine extract is the understanding power.

Resolution as a fine extract is the faith faculty, exertion as a fine extract is the energy faculty, establishment as a fine extract is the mindfulness faculty, non-distraction as a fine extract is the concentration faculty, seeing as a fine extract is the understanding faculty.

In the sense of dominance the faculties are a fine extract, in the sense of unshakability the powers are a fine extract, in the sense of outlet the enlightenment factors are a fine extract, in the sense of cause the path is a fine extract, in the sense of establishment the foundations of mindfulness are a fine extract, in the sense of endeavouring the right endeavours are a fine extract, in the sense of succeeding the bases for success are a fine extract, in the sense of suchness (reality) the actualities are a fine extract.

In the sense of non-distraction serenity is a fine extract, in the sense of contemplation insight is a fine extract, in the sense of single function (taste) serenity and insight are a fine extract, in the sense of non-excess coupling is a fine extract.

In the sense of restraint purification of virtue is a fine extract, in the sense of non-distraction purification of cognizance is a fine extract, in the sense of seeing purification of view is a fine extract, in the sense of freedom liberation is a fine extract, in the sense of penetration recognition is a fine extract, in the sense of giving up deliverance is a fine extract, in the sense of cutting off knowledge of exhaustion is a fine extract, in the sense of tranquillization knowledge of non-arising is a fine extract. Zeal in the sense of root-foundation is a fine extract, attention in the sense of origination is a fine extract, contact in the sense of combining is a fine extract, feeling in the sense of meeting place is a fine extract, concentration in the sense of being foremost is a fine extract, mindfulness in the sense of dominance is a fine extract, understanding in the sense of being highest of all is a fine extract, deliverance in the sense of core is a fine extract, nibbana which merges in the deathless in the sense of end is a fine extract.

End of Treatise on “A fine extract to be drunk”.

End of Recital Section.

End of First Division

Contents of that Division:

Knowledge, views, breathings, and faculties, And then come liberations as the fifth, Then destinations, and action, and perversions, Paths, and “fine extract to be drunk”: these ten.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli

- Editor: Manfred Wierich