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sn.1.48 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

Jeta’s Grove

The devatā Anathapiṇḍika:

“This indeed is that Jeta’s Grove,
The resort of the Order of seers,
Dwelt in by the Dhamma King,
A place that gives me joy.

“Action, knowledge, righteousness,
Virtue, an excellent life:
By this are mortals purified,
Not by clan or wealth.

“Therefore a person who is wise,
Out of regard for his own good,
Should carefully examine the Dhamma:
Thus he is purified in it.

“Sāriputta truly is endowed with wisdom,
With virtue and with inner peace.
Even a bhikkhu who has gone beyond
At best can only equal him.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh