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sn.22.15 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

That Which is Impermanent

At Sāvatthī.
“Mendicants, form is impermanent.
What’s impermanent is suffering.
What’s suffering is not-self.
And what’s not-self should be truly seen with right understanding like this: ‘This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self.’
Feeling is impermanent …

Perception is impermanent …
Choices are impermanent …
Consciousness is impermanent.
What’s impermanent is suffering.
What’s suffering is not-self.
And what’s not-self should be truly seen with right understanding like this: ‘This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self.’
Seeing this …
They understand: ‘… there is no return to any state of existence.’”