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sn.36.3 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, there are these three feelings. What three? Pleasant feeling, painful feeling, neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. The underlying tendency to lust should be abandoned in regard to pleasant feeling. The underlying tendency to aversion should be abandoned in regard to painful feeling. The underlying tendency to ignorance should be abandoned in regard to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling.

“When, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu has abandoned the underlying tendency to lust in regard to pleasant feeling, the underlying tendency to aversion in regard to painful feeling, and the underlying tendency to ignorance in regard to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, then he is called a bhikkhu without underlying tendencies, one who sees rightly. He has cut off craving, severed the fetters, and by completely breaking through conceit, he has made an end to suffering.”

When one experiences pleasure,
If one does not understand feeling
The tendency to lust is present
For one not seeing the escape from it.

When one experiences pain,
If one does not understand feeling
The tendency to aversion is present
For one not seeing the escape from it.

The One of Broad Wisdom has taught
With reference to that peaceful feeling,
If one seeks delight even in this,
One is still not released from suffering.

But when a bhikkhu who is ardent
Does not neglect clear comprehension,
Then that wise man fully understands
Feelings in their entirety.

Having fully understood feelings,
He is taintless in this very life.
Standing in Dhamma, with the body’s breakup
The knowledge-master cannot be reckoned.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh