buddha daily wisdom image

sn.4.14 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)


On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Kosalans at the brahmin village of Ekasala. Now on that occasion the Blessed One was teaching the Dhamma surrounded by a large assembly of laypeople.

Then it occurred to Mara the Evil One: “This ascetic Gotama is teaching the Dhamma while surrounded by a large assembly of laypeople. Let me approach the ascetic Gotama in order to confound them.”

Then Mara the Evil One approached the Blessed One and addressed him in verse:

“This is not suitable for you,
That you instruct others.
When so engaged don’t get caught
In attraction and repulsion.”

The Blessed One:

“Compassionate for their welfare,
The Buddha instructs others.
The Tathagata is fully released
From attraction and repulsion.”

Then Mara the Evil One … disappeared right there.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh