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sn.47.28 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

The World

The same setting. Sitting to one side, the Venerable Sāriputta said to the Venerable Anuruddha:

“By having developed and cultivated what things has the Venerable Anuruddha attained to greatness of direct knowledge?”

“It is, friend, because I have developed and cultivated the four establishments of mindfulness that I have attained to greatness of direct knowledge. What four? Here, friend, I dwell contemplating the body in the body … feelings in feelings … mind in mind … phenomena in phenomena, ardent, clearly comprehending, mindful, having removed covetousness and displeasure in regard to the world. It is, friend, because I have developed and cultivated these four establishments of mindfulness that I directly know this thousandfold world.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh