buddha daily wisdom image

sn.7.17 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

The Builder

At one time the Buddha was staying in the land of the Kosalans in a certain forest grove.
Now at that time the brahmin Bhāradvāja the Builder was doing some building work in that jungle thicket.
He saw the Buddha sitting down cross-legged at the root of a certain sal tree, with his body straight, and mindfulness established right there.
Seeing this, it occurred to him,
“I enjoy doing this building work here in the jungle.
I wonder what the ascetic Gotama enjoys doing?”
Then Bhāradvāja the Builder went up to the Buddha and addressed him in verse:
“What kind of work do you do
as a mendicant in the sal jungle?
How do you find enjoyment
alone in the wilderness, Gotama?”
“There’s nothing I need to do in the jungle;
my jungle’s cut down at the root, it’s withered away.
With jungle cleared and free of thorns,
I enjoy being alone in the jungle, having given up discontent.”
When he had spoken, the brahmin Bhāradvāja the Builder said to the Buddha,
“Excellent, Master Gotama …
From this day forth, may Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge for life.”