buddha daily wisdom image

snp.1.1 Suttanipata

The Serpent SuttaFirst Chapter

Who removes arisen anger
as herbs a serpent’s venom spread;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who lust pulls up remainderless
as in water, plants and blooms of lotuses;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who craving dams remainderless
as drying of a river’s fierce and rapid flow;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who destroys conceit entire
as a great flood a bridge of reeds so frail;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who in rebirths no essence finds
as a seeker of flowers on Udumbara trees;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who keeps no grudges inwardly
but this “being-not being” has gone beyond;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

In who do thoughts no longer smoulder,
internally curtailed, remainderless;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
all mind-proliferation gone beyond;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
who of the world has Known, “All is not thus”;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
who free of greed has Known, “All is not thus”;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
who free of lust has Known, “All is not thus”;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
who free of hate has Known, “All is not thus”;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who neither goes too far nor lags behind,
who delusion-free has Known, “All is not thus”;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

In whom are no latent tendencies at all—
whose roots of evil completely are expunged;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

In whom is no anxiety at all
to cause return to this existence here;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

In whom no attachment formed at all
to cause return to all existences;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

Who’s left behind five hindrances,
serene then, crossed doubt, lacking inner barbs;
a bhikkhu such leaves here and there
as a serpent sloughs its worn-out skin.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills