buddha daily wisdom image

snp.1.3 Suttanipata

The Rhino Horn: A Teaching for the Hermit-minded

Put by the rod for all that lives,
tormenting not a single one;
long not for child, how then for friend?
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Attraction comes from meetings with,
and from attraction dukkha’s born;
see danger of attraction then,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

One full of ruth for friends well-loved
with mind attached, neglects the good,
seeing this danger in association,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Tangled as the crowding bamboo boughs
is fond regard for partner, child:
as the tall tops are tangle-free,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

The deer untethered roams the woods
going where’er it wants to graze:
seeing its liberty, wise one,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

’Mong friends one’s asked for this or that,
when resting, standing, going on tour,
seeing the liberty few desire,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

’Mong friends there’s sexy playfulness,
and love for children’s very great,
while loath to part from those beloved,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Resentment none to quarters four,
and well-content with this and that,
enduring dangers undismayed,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Some home-forsakers ill consort,
as householders who live at home;
be unconcerned with others’ kids!
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Let fall the marks of householder,
as Koviḷāra’s parted leaves;
a hero, having house-ties cut,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

For practice if one finds a friend—
prudent, well-behaved, and wise,
mindful, joyful, live as one
all troubles overcoming.

But if you do not find a friend—
prudent, well-behaved, and wise,
then like a king who leaves his conquered lands,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Surely we praise accomplished friends—
choose friends who’re equal, or the best;
not finding these, live blamelessly,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

See golden bangles on an arm,
well-burnished by the goldsmith’s art,
clash together, the two of them,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

When there’s for me “a second one”
with intimate talk and curses both,
seeing this fear in future time,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Sense-things so sweet, so varied,
in diverse forms disturb the mind;
seeing the bane of sense desires
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

They are a plague, a blain, distress,
disease, a dart and danger too:
seeing this fear in sense-desires
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

The heat and cold, and hunger, thirst,
wind, sun, mosquitoes’ bites and snakes’;
enduring one and all of these,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn..

As elephant bull of noble mien,
full-grown, the flock forsakes and lives
in forests as it pleases him,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

“Who loves to live in company
e’en timely freedom cannot find”;
so Kinsman of the Sun declared—
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

View-contortions gone beyond,
right method won, the path attained,
“I Know! No other is my guide!”
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

No greed, no guile, no thirst, no slur,
and blown away by delusion’s fault;
wantless in all the world’s become,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Shun the evil friend who sees
no goal, convinced in crooked ways,
serve not at will the wanton one,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Follow that friend who’s deeply-learned,
Dharma-endowed and lucid, great,
knows meaning leading out of doubts,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

In playful love and sensual joys
find no reward—no longer long;
embellish not but speak the truth,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Partner, children, parents too,
kin and wealth—things bought with it,
leaving all sense-desires behind,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

“They are but bonds and brief their joys,
and few their sweets and more their ills.
Hooks in the throat!” This knowing well,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Do snap the fetters, as a net
by river denizen is broke.
As fire to waste comes back no more,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

With downcast eyes, not loitering,
with guarded sense, warded thoughts,
with mind that festers not nor burns,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Discard householder’s finery,
as shed their leaves the Coral Trees;
go forth in kāsāya robes,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Crave not for tastes but free of greed
for alms food walk, omitting none,
and unattached ’mong families,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Abandoned mind’s five hindrances,
set aside defilements all,
affection-blemish having cut,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Let go of pain and happiness,
with previous joys and sorrows too,
gained poise and calm and purity,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Resolved to win the Ultimate,
not slack in mind, nor slothful ways,
but steady, strong in body and mind,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Seclusion, jhāna—do not cease
but what’s in line with Dharma do,
with mastered existential fears,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Alert, aspiring craving’s end,
clear-voiced and learned, mindful too,
striven, true Dharma having known,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

As lion is unafraid of sounds,
like wind not caught within a net,
as lotus not by water soiled,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

As lion strong-toothed, the king of beasts,
subdues them all, so overcome
by use of practice-place remote,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Frequent the mettā-mind, and ruth
at times, poised mind and joyful too—
unhindered mind by all the world.
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

Lust, hatred and delusion gone,
all the fetters having snapped,
then at life’s end, one trembles not,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

They serve and following having aims—
folk cunning, selfish-aimed and foul,
friends seeking nought are scarce today,
fare singly as the rhino’s horn.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills