buddha daily wisdom image

snp.5.16 Suttanipata

The Questions of Mogharājā

“Twice I have asked the Sakyan,”
said Venerable Mogharājā,
“but you haven’t answered me, O Seer.
I have heard that the divine hermit
answers when questioned a third time.
Regarding this world, the other world,
and the realm of Brahmā with its gods,
I’m not familiar with the view
of the renowned Gotama.
So I have come seeking with a question
for the one of excellent vision.
How to look upon the world
so the King of Death won’t see you?”
“Look upon the world as empty,
Mogharājā, ever mindful.
Having uprooted the view of self,
you may thus cross over death.
That’s how to look upon the world
so the King of Death won’t see you.”