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snp.5.17 Suttanipata

The Young Man Piṅgiya’s Questions

“I am old, without strength, with poor complexion,” said venerable Piṅgiya,
“my eyes are unclear, and hearing is difficult—
may I indeed not perish a fool mid-way!
Explain the Teaching so that I may know
the complete giving up of birth and old age here.”

“Having seen people being struck down amid forms, Piṅgiya,” said the Gracious One,
“and that heedless people are pained amid forms—therefore you, Piṅgiya, being heedful,
must give up form, and not come into existence again.”

“The four directions, the four intermediate directions,” said venerable Piṅgiya,
“above and below: in these ten directions,
there is nothing for you that is unseen, unheard,
unsensed, or uncognized in the world!
Explain the Teaching so that I may know
the complete giving up of birth and old age here.”

“Seeing human beings, victims of craving, Piṅgiya,” said the Gracious One,
“are tormented, and overcome by old age—
therefore you, Piṅgiya, being heedful,
must give up craving and not come into existence again.”

The Young Man Piṅgiya’s Questions are Finished

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato

Piṅgiya’s Question

Aged am I, feeble and my beauty fled,
my eyes no longer clear, my hearing weak,
let me not die confused along the way,
teach me the Dharma so that I shall know
how to let go of birth and of decay.

Having seen them smitten by (the sight of) forms,
by bodily forms those careless folk are beaten down,
therefore, Piṅgiya, you should be aware:
let go this bodily form so as not to be reborn.*Sujato: lkm had “let go these forms for not again becoming”, which I found barely intelligible; I similarly changed the last line of verse 1130. In addition, this verse contains a grammatical mistake, as rūpa here is singular.

There’s nothing in the world: four directions chief,
four intermediates, above, below, ten in all—
unseen, unheard, not felt or known by you;
teach to me Dharma so that when I’ve known it
birth and ageing are both abandoned here.

Seeing humanity by cravings afflicted—
burnt by being born, overcome by age,
therefore, Piṅgiya, you should be aware:
let go of craving so as not to be reborn.

- Translator: Laurence Khantipalo Mills