buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.25 Thera Apadana


In the city, Candavatī,
I was waiting on my parents.
I constantly provided for
my blind mother and father there.

Gone off alone and sitting down
this thought occurred to me back then:
“while providing for my parents
I cannot yet renounce the world.

Being shrouded in dark blindness
I’m being scorched by the three fires.
Though in such straits, and now afraid,
there is no one who can guide me.

The Buddha’s been born in the world;
the Victor’s dispensation shines.
The Self can now be moved beyond
by people who do good karma.

Taking up the Three Refuges
I’ll henceforth guard them completely.
Through that karma which is done well
I will be released from ill-states.”

The Buddha’s foremost follower
was the monk known as Nisabha.
After going up to that monk
I took the three-fold refuge then.

In those days the normal lifespan
numbered one hundred thousand years.
For all that time I did protect
my taking refuge totally.

When my last breath was taking place,
I remembered that refuge then.
Through that karma which was done well
I went on to Tāvatiṁsa.

Departed, in the world of gods
well-placed due to my good karma,
in every region I was born
I received the eight good things there.

Worshipped in every direction,
I developed piercing wisdom.
All the gods submitted to me.
I received food beyond measure.

Everywhere, the color of gold,
I was beloved by everyone.
Remaining steadfast for my friends,
my glory had achieved great heights.

Eighty times as the king of gods
I exercised divine rule then.
Anointed by celestial nymphs
I enjoyed much divine pleasure.

Full five hundred times I ruled then
as a monarch who turns the wheel,
and I did have much local rule
innumerable by counting.

When my last rebirth was attained,
well-placed due to my good karma,
I was born in a rich family
with a big house in Śrāvasti.

Setting out from that great city
placed in front by other children
I approached a monastery
hoping to find sports and laughter.

There I did see a Buddhist monk,
set free, and having no desires.
He explained the Teaching to me
and gave me the three refuges.

After I heard the word “refuge,”
recalling my former refuge,
I sat down on a single seat
and then attained arahantship.

Being only seven years old
I attained my arahantship.
Knowing virtue, the Eyeful One,
the Sambuddha ordained me then.

Immeasurable aeons hence
I went for the three-fold refuge.
The fruit of that karma well done
is afterward shown to me here.

Well-protected was my refuge
firmly established in my mind.
After enjoying all of that
I realized the steadfast state.

Let those of you with ears to hear,
all of you, listen to my words.
I’m declaring as fact to you
that I have seen this state myself.

“The Buddha’s been born in the world;
the Victor’s dispensation shines.
The drum of deathlessness now sounds,
removing the arrows of grief.

In the unsurpassed merit-field
if you all now take ownership
with all the strength that you possess,
then you all will see nirvana.

Taking up the three-fold refuge,
guarding the five moral precepts,
pleasing your heart in the Buddha
you’ll make an end to suffering.

Acting with me as your model
guarding all the moral precepts
in a short time, then all you too
will attain your arahantship.”

Thrice-knowing, with superpowers,
I’m skilled at the reading of minds.
A follower of yours, Wise One
worships the Teacher’s refuges.

I went to Buddha for refuge
uncountable aeons ago.
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
that’s the fruit of taking refuge.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Tīṇisaraṇāgamaniya Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Tīṇisaraṇāgamaniya Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala