buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.326 Thera Apadana


I was only seven years old,
a learned master of mantras.
Carrying on the family line,
I encouraged sacrifices.

Eighty-four thousand living beasts,
are slaughtered by me every day.
Brought to a wooden hitching post,
they are kept for sacrificing.

Like beaten gold atop a forge,
burning bright like cedar charcoal,
like the sun when it is rising,
like the moon on the fifteenth day,
Siddhattha, Goal of All Success,
Worshipped by the Triple World, Friend,
the Sambuddha, having approached
me uttered this speech then and there:

“Non-violence to all that breathe,
young man, is what best pleases me,
and abstaining from stealing things,
transgressing and drinking liquor.

I am pleased by good behavior,
and gratitude for the learned;
praiseworthy too are those things done
for others in this world of things.

Having cultivated those things,
delighting in kindness to all,
pleasing your heart in the Buddha,
cultivate the ultimate Path.”

Saying this, the Omniscient One,
the World’s Best, the Bull among Men,
having thus given me advice,
rose into the sky and flew off.

Beforehand having cleansed my heart,
I later brought my heart pleasure.
Because of that mental pleasure,
I was reborn in Tusitā.

In the ninety-four aeons since
I brought that pleasure to my heart,
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
the fruit of perceiving Buddhas.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Saññasāmika Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Saññasāmika Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala