buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.37 Thera Apadana


The Blessed One Atthadassi
the Self-Become One, Unconquered,
encompassed by the monks’ Assembly
entered the chariot-road then.

With my students all around me
I then departed from the house.
Having gone out I then saw there
the Sambuddha, the World-Leader.

Then saluting the Sambuddha,
hands pressed together on my head,
bringing pleasure to my own heart,
I praised the World-Leader kindly:

To what extent beings have form,
are formless or are unconscious,
all of them are included in
the great knowledge that you possess.

If one encloses water with
a net that is good for fishing,
all the creatures in the water
would then be caught inside the net.

And whoever has intentions
one with form or a formless one,
are all of them included in
the great knowledge that you possess.

You’re lifting up this world which is
confused by the darkness-maker.
Having listened to your Teaching
they all then cross the flood of doubt.

This world’s enmeshed in ignorance,
covered by the darkness-maker.
In your knowledge they shine brightly
driving out the darkness-maker.

That eye of yours, for everyone,
is what removes the great darkness.
Having listened to your Teaching
many folks achieve nirvana.”

Having filled up a container
with a bit of pure bee’s honey,
picking it up with both my hands,
I held it out to the Great Sage.

The Great Hero, the Sage So Great,
accepted it, with some boiled rice.
Eating it, the Omniscient One
then rose up into the sky there.

Teacher Atthadassi, Man-Bull,
standing up in the atmosphere,
bringing pleasure to my own heart,
then spoke these verses about me:

“This one by whom knowledge is praised
and the Best Buddha is lauded,
due to the pleasure in his heart,
will not go to a bad rebirth.

He will exercise divine rule
fully fourteen different times then.
He will reside upon the earth
with eight hundred earthly reigns there.

And five hundred times he will be
a king who turns the wheel of law.
He will exercise on the earth
uncountable regional reigns.

A learned man who knows mantras,
he will master the three Vedas.
And then he will renounce the world
in Gotama Buddha’s teaching.

Through his knowledge he’ll discover
facts which are so deep and subtle.
He’ll be the Teacher’s follower
whose name will be Mogharāja,

endowed with the three knowledges,
undefiled, a duty-doer.
Gotama the Top Charioteer
will place him in that foremost place.”

Abandoning my human work,
severing the bonds of being,
knowing well all the defilements,
without defilements I now live.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Mogharāja Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Mogharāja Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala