buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.405 Thera Apadana


In the Himalayan region,
there’s a mountain named Asoka.
In that place was my hermitage,
constructed by Vissakamma.

The Sambuddha named Sumedha,
Chief, Compassionate One, the Sage,
dressing himself in the morning,
approached me begging for alms food.

Seeing the Great Hero who’d come,
Sumedha, Leader of the World,
taking a good alms-bowl, I
filled it with clarified butter.

Giving it to the Best Buddha,
Sumedha, Leader of the World,
pressing both my hands together,
I brought pleasure to my heart there.

Because of this ghee-offering,
made with intention and resolve,
whether born human or divine,
I obtain enormous comfort.

Avoiding states of suffering,
I transmigrate from birth to birth.
Having resolved my heart on it,
I’m obtaining the deathless state.

“This gain for you is well-received,
which is that you saw me, brahmin.
Having arrived to look at me,
you’re going to be an arahant.

Be confident and have no fear,
after finding the Great-Famed One.
Having given this ghee to me,
you will be freed from being born.

Because of this ghee-offering
and practicing with loving heart,
for eighteen hundred aeons you
will delight in the world of gods.

And eighteen times you also will
become the king of all the gods,
and you will have much local rule,
innumerable by counting.

And fifty-one times you will be
a king who turns the wheel of law,
lord of the grove of rose-apples,
victorious on all four sides.

Unperturbed like the great ocean,
as hard to carry as the earth,
in just that way your possessions
are going to be immeasurable.”

I went forth after giving up
six hundred million worth of gold.
Seeking after what is wholesome,
I first went up to Bāvarī.

While I studied the mantras there,
Vedic science and reading marks,
you arose in the world, Great Sage,
destroying that bewilderment.

Having a desire to see you,
I came up to you, O Great Sage.
Having listened to your Teaching,
I then attained the deathless state.

Thirty thousand aeons ago
I gave that ghee to the Buddha.
In the interval I don’t know
any begging of ghee by me.

My intentions being discerned,
what I wish for then arises.
My heart discerned I am reborn,
and I gratify everyone.

O! the Buddha! O! the Teaching!
O! our Teacher’s great achievement!
After giving a bit of ghee,
I receive immeasurably.

The water in the great ocean,
the extent of Mt. Meru’s slope,
would not be one half a quarter
of the ghee arising for me.

The universe’s full extent,
made into a gigantic pile
would not be able to fill the
space of the clothing worn by me.

Himalaya, king of mountains,
although it is the best mountain,
is not even comparable
to the perfumes anointing me.

Clothes and perfumes and ghee and food,
or everything that’s in the world,
and nirvana, unconditioned:
that is the fruit of giving ghee.

My couch today is mindfulness,
my pasture’s meditative states,
my food is wisdom’s seven parts:
that is the fruit of giving ghee.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Knowing well all the defilements,
I am now living, undefiled.

Being in Best Buddha’s presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Mettagu Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Mettagu Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala