buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.52 Thera Apadana


Having had a festoon work made
for the World’s Best, the Neutral One,
the Blessed One named Siddhattha,
I covered it with jasmine flowers.

After I finished placing flowers,
I then gave it to the Buddha.
Picking up the remaining flowers,
I offered them to the Buddha.

Happy, with pleasure in my heart
I gave that floral festoon work
to the Buddha, World’s Chief Leader,
like a festoon work made of gold.

The Sambuddha, With Doubt Dispelled,
Honored by Those Who’ve Crossed the Flood,
seated in the monks’ Assembly,
spoke these verses about me then:

“I’ll relate details of him who
gave me a floral festoon work
permeated with divine scents;
all of you listen to my words:

When he’s fallen from here, this man
will go on to the world of gods,
a god-assembly around him,
scattered with jasmine flowers there.

His residence, jutting up tall,
will be made of gold and gemstones.
That divine mansion will blaze forth,
illumined by his good karma.

He will exercise divine rule
seventy-four different times.
Waited on by celestial nymphs,
he will enjoy great happiness.

He will reside upon the earth
and have three hundred earthly reigns.
Five hundred times he’s going to be
a king who turns the wheel of law.

He will be a human monarch
known by the name of Dujjaya.
He’ll experience that merit
without knowing his own karma.

Not going to a place of grief
he will go to a human state.
There will be heaps of gold for him,
very much, counted in billions.

He will be reborn in the world;
he will then be a brahmin man,
beloved own son of Sārī,
and the wise son of Vaṅgata.

Then he’ll go forth in the Shiny-
Bodied Buddha’s dispensation.
His name will be Cūlacunda,
a follower of the Teacher.

Even when he is a novice,
he will become an arahant.
Knowing well all the defilements
he’ll reach nirvana, undefiled.”

To attain the ultimate goal
I waited on my own brother,
the Great Hero who’d arisen,
and many pleasant others, too.

Serving my brother, when he died,
I put his relics in his bowl
and gave it to the Sambuddha,
the World’s Best One, the Bull of Men.

The Buddha in this world with gods
picked up that bowl with both his hands.
Paying respect to those relics,
he praised the top follower then.

My mind is now completely freed
and faith is established in me.
Knowing well all the defilements,
I am now living, undefiled.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Cunda Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Cunda Thera is finished.

The Summary:

Upāli, Soṇa, Bhaddiya,
Sannidhāpaka, Hatthiya,
Chadana, Seyya-Cankamaṁ
Subhadda, the one named Cunda:
one hundred and forty verses
and another four besides those.

The Upāli Chapter, the Fifth.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala