buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.57 Thera Apadana


To Padumuttara Buddha
I gave a fine thoroughbred horse.
Assigning it to the Buddha,
I then went back to my own house.

The Teacher’s top follower was
the monk whose name was Devala.
Worthy heir to the best Teaching
he came into my presence then.

“The Blessed One bears his own bowl;
he will not use a thoroughbred.
The Eyeful One accepted it
because he had discerned your thoughts.”

I got the price for that wind-quick
speed vehicle that came from Sindh.
Then I gave a suitable gift
to Padumuttara Buddha.

In whichever womb I’m reborn,
whether it’s human or divine,
suitable, and variegated
Sindh-horses then arise for me.

The gain for them is well-received
who undergo ordination.
If a Buddha’s born in the world
then they should serve him constantly.

I was a king with great power
twenty-eight different times back then,
lord of the grove of rose-apples,
victorious on all four sides.

This is the final time for me;
my last rebirth is proceeding.
I’ve attained the unshaking state
beyond all conquest and defeat.

Thirty-four thousand aeons thence
there was a king of great power,
a wheel-turner who had great strength,
possessor of the seven gems.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Opavuyha Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Opavuyha Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala