buddha daily wisdom image

tha-ap.86 Thera Apadana


The chief follower of Sikhi
was the monk known as Abhibhū,
with vast powers, a three-fold knower,
he went to the Himalayas.

Back then I too was living in
the Himalayas, as a sage,
master of boundless magic power,
in a delightful ashram there.

Flying like a bird in the sky,
I felt drawn to a mountain-side.
Picking some flowers down below
I then came up to the mountain.

Taking seven flowers I placed them
on the top of Abhibhū’s head.
When the hero then looked forward
I departed facing the east.

Having arrived at my ashram
I went up to my dwelling there.
Taking ascetics’ provisions
I returned to that mountain-side.

A python with a frightful form,
and very strong, attacked me then.
Remembering my former deed
I passed away right on the spot.

In the thirty-one aeons since
I offered those flowers to him,
I’ve come to know no bad rebirth:
that’s the fruit of flower-pūjā.

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Venerable Adhopupphiya Thera spoke these verses.

The legend of Adhopupphiya Thera is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala