buddha daily wisdom image

thag.1.1 Theragatha


Homage to that Blessed One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha!
Like the lions of mighty fang
who roar in mountain caves—
hear now from those who’ve practiced well
their own verses about themselves.
What their name, and what their clan,
and how they lived by the teaching;
how dedicated were those wise ones,
as they meditated tirelessly.
Clearly seeing in every case,
they reached the imperishable state.
Reviewing their completed task,
they spoke about it in these words.
My little hut is roofed and pleasant, sheltered from the wind:
so rain, sky, if you wish!
My mind is serene and freed,
I practice wholeheartedly: so rain, sky!
That is how this verse was recited by the senior venerable Subhūti.