buddha daily wisdom image

thag.10.7 Theragatha

Another Gotama

You should understand your own purpose,
and consider the dispensation carefully,
as well as what’s appropriate
for one who has entered the ascetic life.
Good friendship in the community,
undertaking plenty of training,
eagerness to learn from the teachers—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Respect for the Buddha,
reverence for the Dhamma as it really is,
esteem for the Saṅgha—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Commitment to good conduct and alms-resort,
a livelihood that is pure and blameless,
and stilling the mind—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
An impressive deportment in things that should be done,
and in those better avoided;
commitment to the higher mind—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Wilderness lodgings,
remote and quiet,
fit for use by a sage—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Ethics, learning,
investigation of teachings in line with reality,
and penetration of the truths—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Developing the perceptions
of impermanence, non-self, and unattractiveness,
and displeasure with the whole world—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
Developing the awakening factors,
the bases for psychic power, the faculties and powers,
and the noble eightfold path—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.
A sage should abandon craving,
defilements shattered, root and all,
they should live liberated—
this is appropriate for an ascetic.