buddha daily wisdom image

thag.5.11 Theragatha

Soṇa of the Sharp Ears

I’ve received ordination;
I am liberated, without defilements;
I’ve seen the Blessed One myself,
and even stayed together with him.
The Blessed One, the teacher,
spent much of the night in the open;
then he, who is so skilled in meditation,
entered his dwelling.
Spreading his outer robe,
Gotama made his bed,
like a lion in a rocky cave,
with fear and dread given up.
Then, with lovely enunciation,
Soṇa, a disciple of the Buddha,
recited the true teaching
before the best of Buddhas.
When he has completely understood the five aggregates,
developed the direct route,
and arrived at ultimate peace,
undefiled, he’ll be fully extinguished.