buddha daily wisdom image

thag.6.10 Theragatha

Sumana (2nd)

I was only seven years old
and had just gone forth
when I overcame the mighty serpent king
with my psychic powers.
I brought water for my mentor
from the great lake Anotatta.
When he saw me,
my teacher declared:
“Sāriputta, see this
young boy coming,
carrying a water pot,
serene inside himself.
His conduct inspires confidence,
he is of lovely deportment:
he is Anuruddha’s novice,
assured in psychic powers.
Made a thoroughbred by a thoroughbred,
made good by the good,
educated and trained by Anuruddha,
who has completed his task.
Having attained ultimate peace
and witnessed the unshakable,
that novice Sumana has the wish:
‘May no-one find me out!’”