buddha daily wisdom image

thi-ap.24 Therī Apadana


The Victor, Padumuttara,
was a Master of Everything.
That Leader arose in the world
one hundred thousand aeons hence.

For the benefit, happiness
and profit of all beings, the
Best Debater, Thoroughbred Man,
came into the world with its gods.

Foremost Fame-Attainer, Victor,
Fortunate, Beautified by Praise,
the Victor for the entire world,
Widely-Known in all directions,

the Uprooter of Doubt, the One
who Passed Beyond Uncertainty,
he with an Intention-Filled Mind,
attained Supreme Awakening.

Ultimate Man, Progenitor
of the path that had yet to be,
proclaimed that which was unproclaimed,
produced that which was unproduced.

Path-Knower, Path-Understander,
Path-Proclaimer, the Bull of Men,
Path-Skilled, the Teacher, the Buddha,
was the Best of Charioteers.

The Great Compassionate Teacher,
the Leader was preaching Dhamma,
lifting up all living beings
sunk in the muck of delusion.

I was born in Haṁsavatī,
rejoicing all the kṣatriyans;
I was then very beautiful,
set for wealth, held dear, resplendent.

I was the ravishing daughter
of great king Ānanda and thus,
sister by another mother
of him named Padumuttara.

Adorned in all my ornaments,
along with the royal maidens,
going up to the Great Hero,
I heard him preaching the Dhamma.

And then, amidst the multitudes,
the Guru of the Whole World praised
a Buddhist nun with “divine eye,”
and placed her in that foremost place.

I was happy having heard that;
after giving the Teacher alms,
and worshipping the Sambuddha,
I aspired for the “divine eye.”

And then the Teacher said to me:
“Joyful one, that is well wished-for;
you will receive as you aspire,
fruit of alms for the Dhamma-Lamp.

In one hundred thousand aeons,
arising in Okkāka’s clan,
the one whose name is Gotama
will be the Teacher in the world.

Worthy heir to that one’s Dhamma,
Dhamma’s legitimate offspring,
the one whose name is Sakulā
will be the Teacher’s follower.”

Due to that karma done very well,
with intention and firm resolve,
discarding my human body,
I went to Tāvatiṁsa then.

In this present lucky aeon
Brahma’s Kinsman, Greatly Famed One,
the Buddha known as Kassapa
was born, the Best of Debaters.

I was a mendicant back then,
proceeding about on my own.
While wandering around for alms,
I received some sesame oil.

Having lit a lamp with that oil,
with a mind that was very clear,
every night I attended on
the shrine of the Best of Bipeds.

Due to that karma done very well,
with intention and firm resolve,
discarding my human body,
I went to Tāvatiṁsa then.

In whichever place I’m reborn,
in accordance with that karma,
wherever I am wandering,
when I’m gone there, there are large lamps.

Through any wall, through any rock,
going beyond a mountain top,
I can see whatever I wish:
that is the fruit of giving lamps.

I am someone who has pure eyes;
I am blazing forth through my fame;
I am faithful, wise and mindful:
that is the fruit of giving lamps.

And now, in my final rebirth,
I am born in a brahmin clan,
rich in grain and abundant wealth,
joyful and honored by the king.

I was complete in every part,
adorned with all the ornaments.
One time standing in a window,
I saw the Well-Gone-One at the
city gate, Blazing Forth through Fame,
Honored by Gods and by People,
Ornamented with the Great Marks,
Endowed with Eighty Lesser Marks.

Happy, with a heart that was thrilled,
I chose to seek ordination.
After not a very long time,
I attained my arahantship.

I’ve mastered the superpowers
like the “divine ear” element.
I know the hearts of others too,
I have done what the Teacher taught.

I remember my former lives;
my “divine eye” is purified.
Throwing off all the defilements,
I am purified, I’m stainless.

The Teacher’s been worshipped by me;
I have done what the Buddha taught.
The heavy load has been laid down,
the ties to existence severed.

The reason for which I went forth,
from my home into homelessness —
I have now achieved that purpose:
destruction of all the fetters.

Then the Greatly Compassionate
One placed me in that foremost place:
The Supreme Man said, “Sakulā
is foremost of ‘divine eye’ nuns.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha's presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Bhikkhunī Sakulā spoke these verses.

The legend of Sakulā Therī is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala