buddha daily wisdom image

thi-ap.26 Therī Apadana


The Victor, Padumuttara,
was a Master of Everything.
That Leader arose in the world
one hundred thousand aeons hence.

Born then in a millionaire’s clan,
I was happy, honored, held dear.
Approaching the Excellent Sage,
I heard his words, sweet as honey.

I was overjoyed having heard
the Victor praise the nun foremost
of those who make a strong effort,
doing service for the Teacher.

Then worshipping the Sambuddha,
I aspired to attain that place.
The Great Hero approved of that:
“Your aspiration will succeed.

In one hundred thousand aeons,
arising in Okkāka’s clan,
the one whose name is Gotama
will be the Teacher in the world.

Worthy heir to that one’s Dhamma,
Dhamma’s legitimate offspring,
the one known by the name Soṇā
will be the Teacher’s follower.”

At that time being overjoyed,
as long as life, heart full of love,
I attended on the Victor,
the Guide, providing requisites.

Due to that karma done very well,
with intention and firm resolve,
discarding my human body,
I went to Tāvatiṁsa then.

And now, in my final rebirth,
I’m born in a millionaire’s clan,
rich, prosperous, very wealthy,
in Śrāvasti, best of cities.

When I’d become a young woman,
having gone to a husband’s clan,
I was the mother of ten sons,
very handsome and distinguished.

All of them were comfortable,
delightful in the people’s eyes,
brilliant even to enemies,
needless to say, they’re loved by me.

Then, without my desiring it,
he who was my husband went forth
in the Buddha’s dispensation,
surrounded by those sons of mine.

And then, alone, I reflected:
“Enough with this life here for me,
growing old and in misery,
bereft of my husband and sons.

I will also go to the place
where my husband has now arrived.”
After reflecting in that way,
I went forth into homelessness.

And then the nuns left me alone
in the retreat for Buddhist nuns,
going off with the instruction:
“heat up the water while we’re gone.”

Then bringing water I poured it
into a small potused for that.
After placing it on the hearth,
seated, I then kindled my heart.

Seeing the body’s diseased-ness,
essence-less-ness, impermanence,
throwing off all the defilements,
I achieved my arahantship.

Then coming back, those Buddhist nuns,
asked me about the hot water.
Through concentration on the fire,
I quickly made the flame ignite.

Astonished, the nuns made that fact
audible to the Best Victor.
Hearing it, the Lord, overjoyed,
spoke this verse about me just then:

“A life lived only for one day
undertaken with strong effort,
is better than a century
lived inert, lacking energy.”

The Great Hero was greatly pleased
by my exemplary conduct.
That Great Sage said that I’m foremost
of those who make a strong effort.

My defilements are now burnt up;
all new existence is destroyed.
Like elephants with broken chains,
I am living without constraint.

Being in Best Buddha's presence
was a very good thing for me.
The three knowledges are attained;
I have done what the Buddha taught!

The four analytical modes,
and these eight deliverances,
six special knowledges mastered,
I have done what the Buddha taught!

Thus indeed Bhikkhunī Soṇā spoke these verses.

The legend of Soṇā Therī is finished.

- Translator: Jonathan S. Walters

- Editor: Ayya Vimala