buddha daily wisdom image

thig.4.1 Therigatha

Bhaddā Daughter of Kapila

Kassapa is the son and heir of the Buddha,
whose mind is immersed in samādhi.
He knows his past lives,
he sees heaven and places of loss,
and has attained the end of rebirth:
that sage has perfect insight.
It’s because of these three knowledges
that the brahmin is a master of the three knowledges.
In exactly the same way, Bhaddā daughter of Kapila
is master of the three knowledges, conqueror of death.
She bears her final body,
having vanquished Māra and his mount.
Seeing the danger of the world,
both of us went forth.
Now we are tamed, our defilements have ended;
we’ve become cooled and quenched.
The Book of the Fours is finished.