buddha daily wisdom image

thig.5.11 Therigatha

Thirty Nuns

“Taking a pestle,
young men pound grain.
Supporting partners and children,
young men acquire wealth.
Do the Buddha’s bidding,
you won’t regret it.
Having quickly washed your feet,
sit in a discreet place to meditate.
Devoted to serenity of heart,
do the Buddha’s bidding.”
After hearing her words,
the instructions of Paṭācārā,
they washed their feet
and retired to a discreet place.
Devoted to serenity of heart,
they did the Buddha’s bidding.
In the first watch of the night,
they recollected their past lives.
In the middle watch of the night,
they purified their clairvoyance.
In the last watch of the night,
they shattered the mass of darkness.
They rose and paid homage at her feet:
“We have done your bidding;
we shall abide honoring you,
as the thirty gods honor Indra,
undefeated in battle.
Masters of the three knowledges, we are free of defilements.”
That is how thirty senior nuns declared their enlightenment in the presence of Paṭācārā.