buddha daily wisdom image

thig.5.2 Therigatha

Vimalā, the Former Courtesan

and owing to my youth,
I despised other women.
I adorned this body,
Intoxicated by my appearance,
my figure, my beauty, my fame,
so fancy, cooed over by fools,
and stood at the brothel door,
like a hunter laying a snare.
I stripped for them,
revealing my many hidden treasures.
Creating an intricate illusion,
I laughed, teasing those men.
Today, having wandered for alms,
my head shaven, wearing the outer robe,
I sat at the root of a tree to meditate;
I've gained freedom from thought.
All bonds are cut off,
both human and divine.
Having wiped out all defilements,
I have become cooled and quenched.