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ud.7.7 Udana

The Discourse about the Destruction of Diversification

Thus I heard: At one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s Wood, at Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then at that time the Gracious One was sitting reflecting on his own giving up of signs of conceptual diversification.

Then the Gracious One, having understood his own giving up of signs of conceptual diversification, on that occasion uttered this exalted utterance:

“He for whom there is no diversification and persistance,
Who has transcended the tether and the obstacle,
The sage who lives without craving,
Is not despised by the world and its devas.”

- Translator: Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

- Editor: Bhikkhu Sujato