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an.8.16 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)


“Bhikkhus, possessing eight qualities, a bhikkhu is worthy of going on a mission. What eight?

“Here, (1)–(2) a bhikkhu is one who listens and makes others listen; (3)–(4) he is one who learns well and makes others learn; (5)–(6) he is one who understands and communicates well; (7) he is skilled in knowing what is relevant and what irrelevant; and (8) he does not foment quarrels. Possessing these eight qualities, a bhikkhu is worthy of going on a mission.

“Bhikkhus, possessing eight qualities, Sāriputta is worthy of going on a mission. What eight?

“Here, Sāriputta is one who listens and who makes others listen … he does not foment quarrels. Possessing these eight qualities, Sāriputta is worthy of going on a mission.”

One who does not tremble when he arrives
at an assembly with fierce debaters;
who does not omit words
or conceal his message;
who speaks without hesitation,
and does not waver when asked a question;
a bhikkhu like this is worthy
of going on a mission.

- Translator: Bhikkhu Bodhi

- Editor: Blake Walsh