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sn.37.30 Saṁyutta Nikāya (Linked Discourses)

They Send Her Away

“Mendicants, there are these five powers of a female.
What five?
Attractiveness, wealth, relatives, children, and ethical behavior.
If a female has the power of attractiveness but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness and wealth but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness, wealth, and relatives, but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.
If a female has the powers of attractiveness, wealth, relatives, and children, but not that of ethical behavior, the family will send her away, they won’t accommodate her.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of attractiveness, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of wealth, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of relatives, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.
If a female has the power of ethical behavior but not that of children, the family will accommodate her, they won’t send her away.
These are the five powers of a female.”