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an.2.280 Aṅguttara Nikāya (Numbered Discourses)

The Chapter of Abbreviated Texts on Monastic Law

“For two reasons the Realized One laid down training rules for his disciples.
What two?
For the well-being and comfort of the Saṅgha … For keeping difficult persons in check and for the comfort of good-hearted mendicants … For restraining defilements that affect the present life and protecting against defilements that affect lives to come … For restraining threats to the present life and protecting against threats to lives to come … For restraining faults that affect the present life and protecting against faults that affect lives to come … For restraining hazards that affect the present life and protecting against hazards that affect lives to come … For restraining unskillful qualities that affect the present life and protecting against unskillful qualities that affect lives to come … Out of sympathy for laypeople and for breaking up factions of mendicants with wicked desires … For inspiring confidence in those without it, and increasing confidence in those who have it … For the continuation of the true teaching and the support of the training.
These are the two reasons why the Realized One laid down training rules for his disciples.”